
Fuel V0.9.6 (2012-05-13)
- Feature: Support for fossil stashes
- Feature: Support for dragging and dropping files out of Fuel
- Feature: Allow for opening workspaces via the checkout file or a workspace folder
- Feature: Display the actual file icons
- Feature: Windows: Shift-Right-Click invokes the Explorer file context menu
- Feature: Allow starting Fuel into an existing fossil workspace via the command line (Thanks Chris)
- Feature: Portable mode. When starting Fuel with the "--portable" option all settings
  will be stored in a Fuel.ini file. If a settings file already exists, Fuel will start
  into portable mode automatically. (Thanks Chris)
- Improvement: Always show unknown files when starting a new repository
- Bug Fix: Avoid specifying filenames explicitly when all modified files are selected.
  This addresses an issue preventing commits after a merge
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue where a complete repository would be committed even when
  the user has a specific set of files marked for commit
- Misc: Minor GUI bug fixes and usability enhancements